DX News – 19 March 2023

| March 17, 2023

Andy, DK5ON will be active as PJ2/DK5ON from Curacao, SA-099, until Wednesday, 22 March. He will operate SSB, CW and digital modes on the 160 to 6m bands. QSL via Logbook of the World, Club Log’s OQRS or via DK5ON directly or via the bureau. John, N9EAJ will be active as VP5/N9EAJ from Grand Turk […]

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Contest News – 19 March 2023

| March 17, 2023

The British Amateur Radio Teledata Group HF RTTY Contest started at 0200UTC on Saturday, 18 March. It will run until 0200UTC on Monday, 20 March. Using RTTY on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report, serial number and time. On Tuesday,  21 March, the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest […]

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Propagation News – 19 March 2023

| March 17, 2023

Last week was split in two, in terms of HF propagation. The first half of the week was characterised by excellent high-band conditions, with many people commenting on how good things were. The Kp index was low, there was a lack of solar flares and the solar flux index was high—perfect for HF. There were […]

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RSGB AGM and elections – voting now open

| March 17, 2023

Voting for the RSGB elections is now open. On our AGM and election web pages you will find: The Calling Notice for the AGM Details of the Resolutions Candidate statements and recorded interviews for the three people standing for elected Board Director Details of how to vote Voting ends at 9am on Thursday, 13 April […]

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Nominated Director vacancy

| March 17, 2023

The resignation of Richard Horton, G4AOJ has left a Board vacancy for a Nominated Director. In accordance with the Society’s usual policy, we are requesting expressions of interest in this role. What would you have to do? All Board Directors are expected to attend Board meetings virtually, or occasionally in person, and attendance at amateur […]

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Next Tonight @ 8 webinar

| March 17, 2023

Our Tonight @ 8 live webinar series continues on Monday, 3 April 2023 with Sheep Worrier: A High Altitude Balloon Flight and Recovery System by Heather Nickalls, M0HMO. Heather will cover an introduction to flying high-altitude balloons (HABs), the radio systems involved, some science experiments she did on her flights, the recovery system developed to […]

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