Also in GB2RS this week…

| February 23, 2018

An international amateur radio team that postponed a December 2017 DXpedition to the disputed Spratly Islands now plans to be on the air in early March from Layang Layang Island, also known as Swallow Reef, under Malaysian call sign 9M0W. The IOTA reference is AS-051. The operation will be on the air on 160 to 6m using CW, SSB and digital modes. While the Royal Malaysian Navy maintains a presence on the reef, ownership of the Spratlys has also been asserted by the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines in addition to Malaysia. The Spratlys are Number 56 on Club Log’s DXCC Most-Wanted List.

Another RSGB 2017 Convention presentation has been added for RSGB Members to view. The talk is by Ian White, GM3SEK, and called VHF-UHF DX—the Game of Decibels. In a talk aimed at all technical levels, Ian explains that decibels are the ‘currency’ in which we measure our station’s performance. We can count our gains and losses, save our decibels or throw them away, and eventually find our own answers to the age-old question what is one decibel really worth? Ian explains why we use decibels; why 1dB can be worth more to VHF-UHF DXers than almost any one else; and how ‘counting the decibels’ can point us to the next station improvement. Take a look at for this and many other talks.

Richard Lamont, G4DYA has been appointed to the joint role of Amateur Radio Observation Service and Intruder Watch Coordinator. Richard has been a broadcast engineer with the BBC, an editor of radio magazines and a company director. He also knows his way around the ITU regulations. The RSGB welcomes him to his new role. Richard succeeds Mark Jones, G0MGX who we thank for putting a great deal of time and energy into these activities over the last five years.

Category: GB2RS Headlines