RSGB President to conduct contest review

| April 2, 2015

Following disquiet about the adjudication of a recent RSGB contest, the Board has asked RSGB President John Gould, G3WKL, to conduct a broad review of the key aspects of contest management.

In addition the Board has asked the Contest Committee to suspend and then revisit the disputed results after the review has concluded.

The Board has considerable confidence in the Contest Committee, and is sure that together with representatives of the contest community they will rise to the challenge of ensuring that RSGB contests continue to be well respected and attract top contesters as well as new entrants.

John would like to draw together a review team of up to 20 people with a range of interests within the UK contesting community.

If you would like to be part of the review team, and have the time commitment for participating in this work, please contact John via

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