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Volunteers’ Week profile – Lindsay Pennell, GI3KME

| June 3, 2024
Volunteers’ Week profile – Lindsay Pennell, GI3KME

The RSGB QSL Bureau processes more than 1.5 million cards each year, both incoming and outgoing, making it one of the busiest QSL sorting facilities in the world. Lindsay Pennell, GI3KME is one the volunteers who is part of this process, and is the QSL Bureau sub-manager for the G1, G2 and G3G-L groups of […]

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Contesting: Stephen Kopetsch, M0RTI / M0X

| April 25, 2024
Contesting: Stephen Kopetsch, M0RTI / M0X

If you aren’t familiar with the contesting element of amateur radio, it can be described as a competition to see who can contact the most stations in a set period of time on certain bands and within specific rules. It is highly addictive and can draw in amateurs from around the world. Each week the […]

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Tony, G0KXW – helped by RSGB Planning Advisory Committee

| April 19, 2024
Tony, G0KXW – helped by RSGB Planning Advisory Committee

In May 2021, Tony, G0KXW contacted the RSGB Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) for advice regarding a written letter of complaint he had received from Warrington Borough Council. The letter concerned an antenna he had erected in his garden two months prior, which was a hustler 6btv ground mounted antenna. It had an end fed onto the gable […]

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Jack Joyce, M7OFM – RSGB Youth (Bronze) Award

| April 11, 2024
Jack Joyce, M7OFM – RSGB Youth (Bronze) Award

Jack Joyce, M7OFM, known as JJ, is 17 years old and is a third-generation radio amateur following in the footsteps of his parents and Grandad. Recently JJ, who has complex additional needs, decided he wanted to have a go at achieving the RSGB Youth (Bronze) Award. JJ had been busy making contacts on FT8, and […]

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Andrew, 2E1BRT

| April 11, 2024
Andrew, 2E1BRT

In 2021, we shared details of Andrew, 2E1BRT and his interest in chasing awards. Almost three years on, we thought we would get an update on how Andrew is progressing. Having completed the RSGB 6m Countries Award and the IARU R1 Mixed Band Award in 2021 he had a blank sheet to commence the next […]

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