Andrew, 2E1BRT

| April 11, 2024

In 2021, we shared details of Andrew, 2E1BRT and his interest in chasing awards. Almost three years on, we thought we would get an update on how Andrew is progressing.

Having completed the RSGB 6m Countries Award and the IARU R1 Mixed Band Award in 2021 he had a blank sheet to commence the next challenge. However, before taking his next steps he had to make some changes to his antennas and rigs due to ageing equipment and wanting to be consistent in his next claim.

Andrew decided on using his IC7400 for HF, and his SGC 230 tuner for top band to 10m. He also uses his IC7400 and a CX725 vertical for 6m.

The awards that Andrew has currently got his sights set on include the RSGB 6m Award, the IARU R1 10m Award and the IARU R1 Mixed Band Award at the next level up. All QSOs / QSLs for his next awards will have been logged since 1 July 2021. To date, he currently stands at ten confirmed countries for the RSGB 6m award, two confirmed countries for the IARU R1 10m Award and 27 countries for the IARU R1 Mixed Band Award.

Unfortunately, Andrew reported problems with deep QSB, poor band conditions, and poor weather throughout the 2023 season, when circumstances did allow him to get on the air. This means he has had to rethink his strategy slightly and is focusing on the 6m Award whilst he is working on a new 10m Dipole. He hopes to use this for working the 10m Sporadic E and the the IARU R1 10m work over the summer.

Andrew likens awards to a Formula 1 race; he’s had a tough race with storms and damage to his antenna system and feels like he’s been in the pits making repairs and upgrading the systems. However, he’ll soon be back on the track making his way towards the finish line.

Best of luck to you Andrew.

Category: Award Stories, Your stories