RSSTonight @ 8 – archive main list by year

9 January 2023 – Radio and Rucksack by Ben Lloyd, GW4BML

| January 9, 2023

Ben’s presentation Ben will briefly explain the definition of portable operating and give reasons why portable operating has its benefits. He’ll go on to explain a little about his adventures which mainly include SOTA, working DX and contesting…all by operating portable. Ben will run through everything that is packed away in his rucksack to enable […]

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5 December 2022 – 100 years of BBC Technology and Innovation by David Palmer, G7URP

| December 1, 2022

Introduction The year 2022 marks the centenary of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and whilst it is well known for its programme making and public service broadcasting, the BBC has also been responsible for introducing a wide range of technological innovations such as CEEFAX, RDS and VERA, Britain’s first videotape recorder. David’s presentation On this […]

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7 November 2022 – Log4OM: The first decade by Terry, G4POP

| October 4, 2022

Terry’s presentation Terry will talk about the popular free logging software Log4OM. Suitable for all levels of expertise, Terry’s talk will look at the history of Log4OM, its developers and the in-built features of the software. There will be a live demonstration and a chance for Q&A. About Terry Terry’s interest in radio communications was […]

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3 October 2022 – HF on Holiday: considerations and ideas by Daimon Tilley, G4USI

| September 23, 2022

Daimon’s presentation Have you ever considered operating whilst on holiday? In this presentation, Daimon will cover the things you might wish to consider if taking a small HF station with you, either at home or abroad. From family, licensing, mode and other considerations, Daimon will focus on some practical examples of antennas and small stations […]

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5 September 2022 – Back to the keyboard! by Mike Richards, G4WNC

| August 10, 2022
5 September 2022 – Back to the keyboard! by Mike Richards, G4WNC

Mike’s presentation Now that we’ve filled our logbooks with FT-8 contacts, maybe it’s time to move on and start communicating again! In this illustrated talk, Mike Richards, G4WNC introduces you to the best data modes for keyboard QSOs. In addition to explaining their operation and configuration, Mike will run through some operating techniques to take […]

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4 July 2022 – Radio waves and antennas…and all that by Peter Duffett-Smith, GM3XJE

| June 4, 2022

Peter’s presentation This presentation covers a range of antenna-related information so there should be something for everyone: What makes a radio wave? Some mysterious properties of radio waves which you might not have appreciated. How do you launch radio waves? Antennas. Radiation resistance. Radiation patterns. Antenna gain. Transmitting and receiving. Getting power into, and from, […]

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