Special Focus
WRC-23 Day-0: Nearly Ready

Final preparations are nearly complete for the opening of the 2023 World Radio Conference (WRC-23) at the large Dubai World Trade Centre venue. This is the second recent WRC which has been held away from the ITU home in Geneva, following WRC-19 in Egypt. Following a long overnight Saturday flight from the UK and hotel […]
Introducing the RSGB WRC-23 Blog

Following four years of preparation, the ITU 2023 World Radio Conference (WRC-23) is at hand. RSGB is attending as part of the Ofcom UK delegation, whilst other volunteers are supporting IARU and other national delegations. WRC-23 takes place over four weeks from Monday 20 November, to Friday 16 December at the World Trade Centre in […]
WRC-19 Day-20: And Finally!

Friday, 22 November saw WRC-19 conclude its month long biggest ever conference. Many of the 3,300 delegates had started to travel home even before the release of the ‘Provisional Final Acts’ and closing ceremony. The ITU website has released the provisional acts as a huge 567-page PDF document – a tribute to the hardworking editorial […]
WRC-19 Day-19: 50 MHz Approved!

WRC-19 has approved an allocation in the 50 MHz band for amateurs in Region 1 at its morning plenary in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, on Thursday 21 November 2019. The decision comes after more than three weeks of strenuous negotiations to reconcile widely disparate views of Region 1 administrations. The result is a dramatic improvement in […]
WRC-19 Days 16+17+18: Satellites and 23cm

WRC-19 entered its final week with effort aimed at pinning down the remaining difficult items, including the future agenda for WRC-23 and WRC-27; and preparing for its final plenary sessions to approve the results of various agenda items, including 50 MHz. AI-1.7 Small Satellites: This surprisingly difficult issue was the first to reach a compromise. […]
WRC-19 Day-15: A Long Weekend

The slipping schedule saw slow progress on Friday and consequently full overtime on Saturday and Sunday for future agenda items (AI-10), small-satellites (AI-1.7), 5G mobile (AI-1.13) and 5GHz Wi-Fi (AI-1.16). Overtime started early, with a queue to get in before the 9am Saturday start. The 8:40m Saturday morning queue AI-10 WRC-23/27 Agenda: Late on Sunday […]