RSSSilent Keys

David Peck G1XAZ, 7th September 2016

| September 19, 2016

It is my sad duty to report the passing of David Peck, G1XAZ. He became a SK at his QTH in Market Drayton on 07/09/2016. Dave had been ill and wheelchair-bound for many years. (He was one of my first Foundation students). His XYL has contacted me to arrange a visit to her QTH to assess his […]

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Allan Ogden, G5OD, 27th August 2016

| September 5, 2016
Allan Ogden, G5OD, 27th August 2016

Allan Ogden, G5OD, passed away on the 27th of August 2016, barely three weeks after his 100th birthday. Allan was first licensed in 1934 at the age of 18. His interest in radio dated back to his days at Manchester Grammar school, where he developed a keen interest in anything and everything electrical. In the […]

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Jim Harrison, G4AGW, 13th August 2016

| August 23, 2016

It is with great sadness that I have to report Jim Harrison, G4AGW passed away 13th August 2016 after a short illness. Jim was licenced in 1970 and was active on HF and VHF. I worked Jim on a regular basis from 1975 onwards. He moved from East London to Norfolk  where we still communicated […]

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The Lord Rix, Brian Rix, Baron Rix, Kt, CBE, DL, G2DQU, 20 August 2016

| August 22, 2016
The Lord Rix, Brian Rix, Baron Rix, Kt, CBE, DL, G2DQU, 20 August 2016

Brian Rix, G2DQU, passed away on 20 August 2016. He was 92. His interest in amateur radio was kindled in his early years by his older brother, Malcolm, G5GX. He obtained an Artificial Aerial licence – 2DQU – in 1937 at the age of 13. He got his ‘proper’ licence after the War, when he […]

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Bob Carpenter, G4BAH, 6th August 2016

| August 8, 2016

Robert Bruce Philip Carpenter, G4BAH, known to all as Bob, passed away at his home on Saturday 6th August 2016. Bob suffered from severe diabetes, had been ill for a number of years and had spent much of the last six months of his life in hospital. However, the exact cause of his death has […]

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Krzysztof Slomczynski, SP5HS, 1 August 2016

| August 2, 2016

On 1st August 2016, Krzysztof Slomczynski, SP5HS passed away at the age of 81. He was one of the most merited radio amateurs in Poland. The late Krzysztof was one of the reactivators of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) over the period 1956-57. He was a member of the Headquarters of the PZK, and […]

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