RSSSilent Keys

Harry Coots, G7WJE, 9 August 2018

| September 19, 2018

Harry Coots, G7WJE passed on 9 August 2018 away after a long struggle with illness. He had been licensed since 1993 and active on packet radio BBSs and chat systems for many years. He was secretary of the Barking Radio and Electronics Society for 14 years, until its dissolution in 2012. He leaves a daughter […]

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Jim Wakenell, G8UGL, 19 August 2018

| September 19, 2018

I have to report very sadly that my dear friend Jim Wakenell, G8UGL passed away on 19 August 2018 at the Severn Hospice in Telford. He died of cancer. I have known Jim for over 40 years, and we went on DXpeditions etc etc together as members of the Telford & DARS. He was also my […]

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Arthur Barrett, G2BWW, 6 August 2018

| September 19, 2018

I should like to record the peaceful death of my father, Arthur Barrett G2BWW, on 6 August 2018 aged 96. The original Artificial Aerial licence 2BWW was issued in the late 1930s and initially held by my Grandmother on his behalf, as my Father was under 21 at the time. He served in the RAF during […]

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Dennis Cram, GM3NIG, 1 June 2018

| September 19, 2018
Dennis Cram, GM3NIG, 1 June 2018

It is with great sadness that I report the recent passing of Dennis Cram, GM3NIG on the first of June 2018. He joined the Ayr Amateur Radio Group on his move to Troon some years ago, and was largely responsible for instigating our Special Event operations from the Scottish Maritime Museum in Irvine. This has […]

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Len Kitching, G3LEK, 3 February 2018

| September 19, 2018
Len Kitching, G3LEK, 3 February 2018

My father, Len Kitching, G3LEK, passed away on 3 February 2018. He was a member of RAYNET up to January 2006, and a keen musician, mainly folk music. Martyn Kitching

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Roy Aitken, G4VCT, 30 April 2018

| September 19, 2018

Roy Aitken, G4VCT went silent key on April 30th at the grand old age of 89. It is thanks to Roy that I was able to pass my City and Guilds Amateur radio exam and later he encouraged me to take the 12wpm CW Exam. He will be missed by all who knew him locally. […]

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