RSSSilent Keys

David Anderson, GM4JJJ, 14th March 2019

| March 18, 2019
David Anderson, GM4JJJ, 14th March 2019

David Anderson, GM4JJJ passed away on the 14th of March 2019 after a long battle with cancer. First licensed as GM8HEY, David was heavily involved in the pioneering work of George Burt, GM3OXX on long-distance contacts using 10GHz wideband FM/MCW. From his own station, GM4JJJ became a very active VHF-UHF DXer, making contacts as far […]

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Rev George Dobbs, G3RJV, 11th March 2019

| March 11, 2019
Rev George Dobbs, G3RJV, 11th March 2019

It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that the Reverend George Dobbs, G3RJV, founder of the GQRP Club passed away in the early hours of Monday 11 March 2019. George had been unwell for some time but he had been living quite comfortably in a care home. Unfortunately, his condition deteriorated quite […]

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Jim Stevenson, G0EJQ, 4 March 2019

| March 5, 2019
Jim Stevenson, G0EJQ, 4 March 2019

It is with great sadness that I inform everyone that Jim Stevenson, G0EJQ, RSGB Regional Representative for Region 13, passed away in hospital on 4th March 2019. He had been in hospital in Nottingham for some days with a breathing problem and seemed to be recovering  well after recently undergoing an operation. The news came […]

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Steve Coleman, G4YFB, 4th January 2019

| January 21, 2019
Steve Coleman, G4YFB, 4th January 2019

It is with a tremendous amount of regret that I have to notify that Stephen Coleman, G4YFB, passed away on Friday 4 January 2019 aged 66. He had been battling cancer, having been diagnosed only nine weeks previously. Steve was a member of the Reading and District Amateur Radio Club and recently had been helping […]

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Max Heron, MW1KDP, 8th December 2018

| January 2, 2019

Max Heron, MW1KDP, sadly passed away, at home with his family around him, on Saturday 8th December 2018, aged 75 years. Max lived in Barmouth and was an ex Yorkshire miner turned aerial rigger, hence his nickname Mad Max ! He had been a member of Meirion ARS for over 30 years and was a […]

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P H Rama Prabhu, VU2DEV, 21st December 2018

| January 2, 2019
P H Rama Prabhu, VU2DEV, 21st December 2018

We have received a number of tributes to P H Rama Prabhu, VU2DEV, who passed away in Bengaluru, India on 21st December 2018. Thanks to VU2ALI for passing on the information and photo. Here is an edited section of the tributes.   Regret to inform the sad demise of our beloved Guruji , Elmer, Benefactor OM Ramaprabhu […]

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