RSSSilent Keys

Colin Horrabin, G3SBI, November 2020

| December 2, 2020
Colin Horrabin, G3SBI, November 2020

Colin Horrabin, G3SBI, passed away in the last weekend of November 2020, a month after being diagnosed with cancer. He did not respond to treatment and passed away at home. Colin worked at  Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory. He was responsible for numerous innovations, including the “superb” serial link control system for the Nuclear Structure Facility […]

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Tony Lorton, G4EKL, 5th November 2020

| November 20, 2020
Tony Lorton, G4EKL, 5th November 2020

I would like to report to his many friends around the world the sad death of Tony Lorton, G4EKL. Tony started as a lad with a cat’s whisker and never looked back! He sadly passed away on 5th November 2020 after a struggle with failing health, in particular over the last 18 months. Born in […]

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John Butcher, G3LAS, 12th September 2020

| September 29, 2020

It is with sadness that I have to report that John Butcher, G3LAS passed away on 12th September 2020. He had suffered a number of strokes over the past year and had been in a home for some months. John served as CDXC Chairman for eight years, passing the baton to me in 2009. Those […]

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Greg Munton, G4XMS, 23rd July 2020

| September 23, 2020
Greg Munton, G4XMS, 23rd July 2020

Greg Munton, G4XMS died peacefully at his home in Maidstone, England on the 23rd of July 2020. Greg had a lifelong love of amateur radio, maintaining regular skeds with friends in Finland (OH2VZ) and North America (K2LBJ) for decades. Greg worked as an ophthalmic surgeon and performed several thousand operations that restored sight and/or improved […]

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Denis Jones, G3UVR, September 2020

| September 11, 2020
Denis Jones, G3UVR, September 2020

We have to report the sad passing of Denis Jones, G3UVR. Denis will be known to many amateurs around the world but also as a stalwart of the Wirral and District Amateur Radio Club, of which he was a member since its inception. There are so many things that could be said about Denis by […]

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Arthur Mather, G0OHY, 30th August 2020

| September 10, 2020

Arthur Mather, G0OHY went SK on the 30th of August 2020. He was a big VHF operator and had worked a lot of Europe on simplex. He regularly worked the Isle of Wight from his QTH in Manchester. One of the big guns on VHF is now gone. Brian, M6OXO

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