RSSSilent Keys

Ian Waters, G3KKD, 10 January 2021

| March 18, 2021

Renowned and enthusiastic amateur television pioneer Ian Waters, G3KKD, passed away on the 10th of January 2021 from heart-related problems. Writing in CQ-TV 62 (1968), Ian said that his interest in radio began around 1940 when he traded an air rifle for a crystal receiver. In 1945, reading pre-War magazines and seeing sets in shop […]

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Jerry Burke, 14 February 2021

| March 11, 2021
Jerry Burke, 14 February 2021

Gerald J Burke, known as Jerry, was co-author of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code / Method of Moments (NEC/MoM) antenna simulation software, passed away on 14 February 2021 after a battle with cancer. Working with A Poggio, Jerry wrote the NEC software for the US Navy in 1981 while working at Lawrence Livermore Labs. Version 2 […]

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Nigel Ambridge, G4FRL, 31 January 2021

| March 2, 2021
Nigel Ambridge, G4FRL, 31 January 2021

It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of NRC Volunteer Nigel Ambridge, G4FRL, on the 31st of January 2021. Nigel was born in Isleworth in July 1939. After schooling he trained as an engineer / toolmaker in High Wycombe. Nigel enjoyed understanding how things worked and was always already to try to […]

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Eric Benzie, G1PCN, 9 February 2021

| March 2, 2021
Eric Benzie, G1PCN, 9 February 2021

It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of NRC Volunteer Eric Benzie, G1PCN on 9 February 2021. Born in Aberdeen on the 8th of December 1944. Eric left school at 15 and commenced an apprenticeship as an electrical engineer in Aberdeen. After completing his apprenticeship, he joined the General Post Office (GPO) […]

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David Newell, G0AKS, 14 February 2021

| March 2, 2021

David Newell, G0AKS passed away on the 14th February 2021 at the age of 78. His enthusiasm and interest in radio, from valve to ICs, meant he was always doing something with his time on the air. He ran regular CW sessions on 2m during the 1980s for a small circle of friends, getting a regular […]

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Lech Laszkiewicz, G3KAU, 29 January 2021

| February 26, 2021

Lech Laszkiewicz, G3KAU, was 99 when he died. He had an interesting life. As a schoolboy he escaped back to his home in Poland from behind Russian lines at the start of WW2. His mother said that it was not safe to stay home and sent him on his way to find safety in the […]

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