RSSRSGB Strategy 2022

A sense of scale and proportion

| July 10, 2017
A sense of scale and proportion

The new RSGB Strategy is reaching down to a lower level of detail now. The purpose, values, goals and priorities launched at the AGM in April are being used by all parts of the RSGB, staff and volunteers, to help shape our activities for the next five years. There are just 11 full-time and 3 […]

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Why on earth does the RSGB need a Strategy?

| May 15, 2017
Why on earth does the RSGB need a Strategy?

Why don’t you just ‘get on with it’? This is a question that has been asked of Board members in the last few weeks since we published the Strategy. As the newly-elected Board Chair, let me try and answer the question. Every organisation needs a Strategy to know where it should focus its efforts and […]

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