RSSRSGB Strategy 2022

Strategy and the Spectrum

| December 8, 2017
Strategy and the Spectrum

The recent RSGB Strategic review highlighted a number of priorities including Spectrum and closely related issues of Growth, Research and Participation. One basic fact is that without spectrum there would be no amateur radio. The RSGB Spectrum Forum is unusual in its extensive range of participants from both inside the Society and external specialist groups. These include […]

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Strategy in action

| November 14, 2017
Strategy in action

This time of year is always particularly busy for us at the RSGB with some great opportunities to meet radio amateurs across the country and, indeed, from around the world. That was enhanced this year with YOTA 2017 in August when some of us had the privilege of spending a week with 80 enthusiastic, fun […]

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So what does being an RSGB Board member really mean?

| October 4, 2017
So what does being an RSGB Board member really mean?

We asked current Board Directors to give us their thoughts: “A chance to give something back for the enjoyment I have had from amateur radio over many years – here and overseas.” Most people cite being able to give something back as being a key driver; others want to use their knowledge, skills and experience […]

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YOTA 2017 and Strategy 2022

| September 11, 2017
YOTA 2017 and Strategy 2022

As I write this I am just back from YOTA 2017; a week of intense activity and, whilst I am exhausted, I am invigorated by the feedback that shows the event to have been a great success. The event was an excellent demonstration of our Strategy 2022 in action and it is worth looking at […]

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Diversity in amateur radio

| August 17, 2017
Diversity in amateur radio

What was your earliest encounter with amateur radio? There are probably almost as many stories as there are RSGB Members. Perhaps it was early contact with your local club. I remember looking mine up in the RSGB Bulletin (yes, I know!) and going to a meeting. Fortunately, I was already nuts about radio or that […]

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International Amateur Radio Union

| July 24, 2017
International Amateur Radio Union

We all know about the importance of the radio spectrum in modern life – or should do!   The amateur radio service has to compete with many other users and potential users.  The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), of which the RSGB is a member, provides a vital strong voice in negotiations about such important […]

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