Special Events News – 8 September 2019

| September 6, 2019

During the month of September, Dutch special event stations PA75PARA, PA75BTF and PA75OMG will be on the air to commemorate the 75 years since British, American and Polish airborne forces tried to capture the river bridges at Arnhem and Nijmegen. PA75OMG will be active from 12 to 22 September. Thames Amateur Radio Club will operate […]

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Contest News – 8 September 2019

| September 6, 2019

It’s a very busy time for contests. The RSGB SSB Field Day and the IARU Region 1 Field Day end their 24 hour run at 1300UTC this Sunday, the 8th. Both use the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands and the exchange is signal report and serial number. The 144MHz Trophy contest ends its 24 hour […]

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Propagation News – 8 September 2019

| September 6, 2019

Our prediction last week that there would be a major geomagnetic storm turned out to be correct, although we got the timing a little wrong. The solar material from a coronal hole actually hit the Earth in the early hours of Saturday morning, rather than later that day, sending the three-hourly Kp index up to […]

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Good news for the two-metre band

| August 30, 2019

The past week has seen CEPT meet in Turkey, where it finalised positions on a wide range of WRC-19 Agenda Items, including proposals for WRC-23. So let’s look at the matters that interest radio amateurs. At 144MHz, after a major effort, the 144 to 146MHz frequency range was successfully withdrawn from the French WRC-23 aeronautical […]

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Syllabus 2019 mock exams now available

| August 30, 2019

In preparation for Syllabus 2019, which comes into effect this Sunday, 1 September 2019, the RSGB has added to the range of documents for tutors and candidates. Foundation, Intermediate and Full licence mock exam papers are now available from the Society’s website. They include a new handy syllabus reference column to help candidates check the […]

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Five UK places for YOTA winter camp

| August 30, 2019

Hot on the heels of August’s Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) summer camp in Bulgaria, IARU Region 1 YOTA will be running a winter camp in the Netherlands from 12 to 15 December 2019. We’ve secured five places at the camp for RSGB Members aged 16 to 25. The camp, which will take place in […]

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