DX News – 26 January 2020

| January 24, 2020

Dirk, WA4DT will operate until 2 February as HR9/WA4DT from Roatan Island, off the coast of Honduras, IOTA reference NA-057. He will be on CW and FT8. Melvin, W8MV will be active from the Caribbean island of Montserrat, NA-103, from 26 January to 2 February. He will be using CW on the HF bands using […]

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Special Events News – 26 January 2020

| January 24, 2020

We’ve received no news of special event stations taking place this week.

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Contest News – 26 January 2020

| January 24, 2020

The CQ 160m DX contest ends its 48 hour run at 2200UTC this Sunday, the 26th. It’s CW only on the 1.8MHz band, and the exchange is signal report and CQ zone. Note that US stations also send their state, and Canadians send their province. The BARTG RTTY Sprint contest ends its 24 hour run […]

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Propagation News – 26 January 2020

| January 24, 2020

This week saw a decline in sporadic E conditions on 10m. This may be due to a repositioning of the jet stream or just the end of the winter sporadic E season, but more of that in the VHF section. On the face of it, last week saw the Sun behaving itself, with zero sunspots. […]

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Nominated Board Directors

| January 21, 2020

If you would like to support the Society at a senior level but are unable to commit to a full three years as a Board director, please contact the Nominations Committee with an outline of your skills. This Committee can suggest members for co-option to the Board or to act as a Board adviser for […]

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Volunteer as a Regional Representative

| January 17, 2020

Are you an RSGB Member living in regions 2, 5, 7, 11, 12 or 13? If you want to make a difference in your region and volunteer as a Regional Representative, remember that you need to submit your application before 31 January 2020. This applies to those who are standing for re-election as well as […]

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