Beyond Exams (BE) Coordinator appointed

| March 2, 2020

Chris Colclough, G1VDP has been appointed to the role of Beyond Exams (BE) Coordinator. He was first licensed in 1986 and enjoys operating on HF using CW, is active on RTTY, CW and most other digital modes and enjoys working DX with the new FT8/FT4 modes. Chris is a founder member of the Strumble Head […]

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Amateur Radio Development (ARD) Chair announced

| March 2, 2020

Tony Jones, G7ETW has been appointed as Amateur Radio Development (ARD) Chair. Tony was licensed in 1989 and was a RAYNET operator and group controller for some years. For the last ten years he has been heavily involved in training, managing education programmes for two radio clubs. He was a member of the new Syllabus […]

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Announcement regarding randomised answers in exam papers

| March 2, 2020

Given that online exams are fully-randomised, we decided in August 2019 to enable the randomisation of the answers for each question in paper exams from 1 September 2019, when Syllabus 2019 was introduced. This ensures that there is no relative advantage or disadvantage between online and paper exams. With hindsight, Exam Secretaries should have been […]

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2019 – a year in numbers

| March 1, 2020
2019 – a year in numbers

2019 was another busy year in the life of the Society. The infographic (click to enlarge) features some of the highlights from last year whilst this page contains more details and a range of fun facts. The April 2020 RadCom will show in detail the work of the committees and other specialist volunteers, but here […]

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Guidance for limiting exposure to EMF

| February 28, 2020

Following last week’s launch of an Ofcom Consultation on EM field exposure, the RSGB has released a briefing paper for all UK amateurs. This gives more details as the proposals involve a change to licence conditions for any station operating with greater than 10W EIRP. The Society has formed a team to prepare a considered […]

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US amateurs respond to 3.4GHz threat

| February 28, 2020

A proposal by the FCC in the USA to remove the entire amateur 3.4GHz allocation without compensation has seen strong opposition as ARRL, AMSAT and hundreds of individual amateurs have filed comments in response to a current consultation. The ARRL highlighted decades of active usage and experimentation including mesh networks, amateur television, weak signal long-distance […]

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