Useful practical skills videos – Slim Jim antenna and a simple Balun

| March 8, 2021
Useful practical skills videos – Slim Jim antenna and a simple Balun

Today we’re releasing the first two videos in our new series. Fifteen-year-old Henry-James Robinson, M7HJR entered the 2020 RSGB Construction Competition with two Slim Jim antennas. In the first video he explains how he made them, why he chose to construct them and what he has made since. In our second video we move onto […]

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3,000 person passes Foundation exam via remote invigilation

| March 8, 2021

We’re delighted that the 3,000th person has just passed their Foundation licence via remote invigilation! Congratulations to them and welcome to everyone who has become a radio amateur over the last year. There are lots of resources on our Beyond Exams web page – from things you can try, videos about practical skills to watch […]

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2020 – a year in numbers

| March 7, 2021
2020 – a year in numbers

2020 brought devastation across the world as we all faced the effects of the pandemic. The RSGB rose to the challenge of supporting radio amateurs in the UK and providing new ways for people to get started in, or come back to, amateur radio. The April 2021 RadCom will show in detail the work of […]

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New video series launches tomorrow

| March 7, 2021
New video series launches tomorrow

As part of our ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign, and to link with British Science Week, we’re launching a series of videos this week. Whether you’re a new Foundation, Intermediate or Full licence holder, the six videos will introduce you to some useful practical skills to help you make the most of your […]

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350 days of COVID-19 net

| March 5, 2021

On Thursday, 4 March 2021, Hambleton Amateur Radio Society passed the 350th consecutive day of a daily net on 2m. It started on day one of the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. Its aim was to keep members and amateurs in the area in touch, and able to summon help or assistance if required. The net starts […]

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Ofcom EMF regulations

| March 5, 2021

On 1 March 2021, Ofcom published a General Notification on their website that proposes to vary all amateur radio licences. It requires licensees to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits of EMF. Licensees have until 18 April 2021 to make any representations to Ofcom. They have also informed us that they are contacting all […]

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