DX News – 4 July 2021

| July 2, 2021

Ed, ES2TT will be active as ES2TT/0 from Saaremaa Island, IOTA reference EU-034, on 10 and 11 July. He will operate CW and SSB on the 30 to 20m bands. QSL via his home call, direct or via the bureau. Frank, K3TRM will be active as VP2V/K3TRM from Tortola, British Virgin Islands, NA-023, between 4 […]

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Special Events News – 4 July 2021

| July 2, 2021

Coventry ARS is running two special event stations until May 2022 to celebrate Coventry being the City of Culture. GB1COC and GB8CCC will be running most days, with GB8CCC passing between members of the club. Dates and times will vary.

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Contest News – 4 July 2021

| July 2, 2021

With different parts of the UK having different lockdown restrictions, please make sure you follow the appropriate regulations. Keep yourself and fellow amateurs safe This weekend is the RSGB VHF National Field Day. It runs for 24 hours until 1400UTC on Sunday, the 4th. Using all modes on the 50MHz to 1.3GHz bands, the exchange […]

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Propagation News – 4 July 2021

| July 2, 2021

Well, NOAA certainly got the sunspot predictions wrong last week. It said that the solar flux index would be in the range 76 to 78 with a maximum Kp index of two. As it turned out, the SFI ended up way higher than this, peaking at 94 on Thursday. Active sunspot regions 2835 and 2836 […]

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Faisal Alajmi, 9K2RR, IARU R1 VP, 2nd July 2021

| July 2, 2021
Faisal Alajmi, 9K2RR, IARU R1 VP, 2nd July 2021

IARU is saddened to announce that IARU Region 1 Vice President Faisal Alajmi, 9K2RR, died on 2 July 2021 following a prolonged period of hospitalisation with COVID. Faisal had been Region 1 Vice President since the 2014 General Conference and was an energetic and active supporter of amateur radio in the Arab world and globally. He was also an accomplished […]

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RSGB EMF calculator updated

| June 30, 2021

Following the update from Ofcom to its guidance What You Need to Know as an Amateur Radio User (9-page/243KB PDF) we have updated the RSGB calculator to version rsgb10a. You can find this on the EMF pages of the website Please treat this as a Beta release and report any problems to Changes The […]

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