RSSGB2RS Propagation News

Propagation News – 8 May 2022

| May 6, 2022

Last week was characterised by solar flares. At the time of writing, we have seen more than 50 since the 1st of May, including one high-energy X-class flare. This occurred on the 3rd of May at 1325 hours and caused a radio blackout over much of the Atlantic. Luckily, the Kp index has remained low, […]

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Propagation News – 1 May 2022

| April 29, 2022

A week of high solar flux indices brought good openings on the higher bands. With the SFI consistently above 140 all week—at the time of writing—there have been reports of 10 metre openings well into the evening. As Ian Goodier on the 10m UK Net Facebook group reported: “Tonight on 10m you could mistake the […]

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Propagation News – 24 April 2022

| April 22, 2022

Last week was characterised by solar flares – lots of them! There were numerous strong flares, although the majority occurred in the early hours and so didn’t affect the ionosphere over Europe. Solar flare events can cause short-lived radio blackouts as the energetic photons penetrate deep into the D-layer. Solar activity during the past 30 […]

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Propagation News – 17 April 2022

| April 14, 2022

We had a week with declining solar flux index numbers, but with the ever-present threat of coronal mass ejections. The SFI declined from 101 on Sunday to 96 on Wednesday with the possibility of further falls as the week goes on. A solar filament located near the centre disk of the Sun erupted early Monday […]

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Propagation News – 10 April 2022

| April 8, 2022

We had another week of high-ish solar flux numbers, but this time we had relatively settled geomagnetic conditions that really allowed the ionosphere to play ball for radio amateurs. The week started well with the SFI above 140, which then declined as the week went on and was at 117 on Thursday. The maximum Kp […]

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Propagation News – 03 April 2022

| April 1, 2022

Last week we said there was a sense of excitement as it looked like the solar flux index would increase. But even NOAA didn’t predict that it would rise to 156, which it hit on Monday the 28th. Unfortunately, along with high sunspot numbers, we have had unsettled geomagnetic conditions. On Sunday and Monday last […]

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