RSSGB2RS News Scripts

GB2RS News Script for 17 November 2013

| November 15, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 17 November 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 17 November 2013 (9-page/61KB Word document)   Note to newsreaders We received around 10 comments on the type style used in GB2RS. Just over half said they read off a screen, with or without editing, and/or would like the size kept […]

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GB2RS News Script for 10 November 2013

| November 8, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 10 November 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 10 November 2013 (8-page/63.5KB Word document)   Note to newsreaders The editorial team has recently received a comment suggesting that the typeface and font size used for GB2RS news is a little small. We could readily increase the type size and […]

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GB2RS News Script for 3 November 2013

| November 1, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 3 November 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 3 November 2013 (8-page/59.5KB Word document)

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GB2RS News Script for 27 October 2013

| October 25, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 27 October 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 27 October 2013 (7-page/57KB Word document)

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GB2RS News Script for 20 October 2013

| October 18, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 20 October 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 20 October 2013 (9-page/88KB Word document)

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GB2RS News Script for 13 October 2013

| October 11, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 13 October 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 13 October 2013 (8-page/63.5KB Word document)

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