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RSGB posters and logos

| January 30, 2020

Did you know we provide a range of informative posters and leaflets about amateur radio to support promotion of the hobby? This includes leaflets aimed specifically at those with no knowledge of amateur radio as well as material for young people. Members and affiliated clubs may also use the RSGB logo for non-commercial purposes. Please […]

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Key messages from November’s VLT meeting

| January 14, 2020

The most recent Volunteer Leadership Team meeting took place in November 2019. Key messages from the meeting are now available.

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November 2019 VLT meeting

| January 14, 2020

16 November 2019 – VLT meeting key messages: The VLT teams worked together at the last two meetings to define their scope, priorities and to propose their initial launch projects: Operating team – proposing to run radio marathons to support 75th anniversary of VE and VJ days, and creating ‘How to’ videos Learning team – […]

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News from YOTA 2019 Netherlands

| January 14, 2020

Joe, MW6MQW On the first day we were introduced to the geostationary satellite QO-100 on Es’hail-2. We found out the basics of working at high frequencies. Due to the deviation of crystal oscillators being a certain percentage of their operating frequency, they alone are not enough to ensure a stable SSB signal at very high […]

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News from YOTA 2019 Netherlands

| December 20, 2019

Zach, 2E0IPZ The winter YOTA camp was one of the best experiences of my life so far, it was amazing to meet so many other members of the amateur radio community from different backgrounds and countries. While attending the camp, I gained new knowledge about many different aspects of the hobby I did not previously […]

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News from YOTA 2019 Netherlands

| December 20, 2019

Lucy, M0LEJ One of the activities we did was an off-air contest. It was essentially like an ordinary contest, except we were talking face-to-face. There were three tables representing the 20m, 40m and 80m bands, and some people called CQ from there. The rest had to walk around the room and try to make as […]

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