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Ofcom WRC-12 Consultation

| February 28, 2010

Feb-2010: Ofcom Consultation on the 2012 World Radio Conference, WRC-12 RSGB: WRC-12  Response (5-page/139KB PDF)

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PLA-PLT and Ofcom: RSGB Statement

| February 17, 2010

The RSGB announced last year that it was considering its options in respect of legal action to cause a review of Ofcom’s position on the perceived non-compliance of certain “Ethernet-over-mains” (PLA) devices being placed on the market. The Society has now completed a review of its options in conjunction with its lawyers and Counsel. From […]

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Spectrum Defence Fund announced

| January 31, 2010

As announced in the January edition of RadCom, the Society has established a Spectrum Defence Fund to challenge Ofcom as regards its interpretation of the various Acts and Directives that cover PLA/PLT and the threat they pose. Thousands of pounds have already been donated but there’s still a long way to go to reach the […]

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Ofcom reply to RSGB official complaint

| September 25, 2009

Ofcom reply to RSGB official complaint to Ofcom about Comtrend Power Line Adapters (PDF, 153KB)

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RSGB response to Ofcom statement on Power Line Adaptors

| September 4, 2009

The RSGB notes Ofcom’s recent statement on PLT with alarm and concern. The RSGB has been engaged with Ofcom on this matter now for several years and is surprised that it has made such a statement without proper consultation with affected parties beforehand. The statement is dismissive of the issue, inaccurate in many respects and […]

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Ofcom PLT statement

| September 3, 2009

Ofcom PLT statement on the Ofcom website

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