Volunteering opportunities
The RSGB relies on a large nationwide team of skilled, dedicated and knowledgeable volunteers
Over 800 Members volunteer for the RSGB in a variety of roles—this video explains what motivates them and what they get out of it.
How you can help
If you have time to spare, why not use your skills and experience to help us ensure the future of amateur radio and to provide services for other Members?
All offers of help are gratefully received, but at the moment we are recruiting particularly for the volunteering opportunities shown below.
RSGB Technical Forum
The RSGB Technical Forum is accepting expressions of interest from people who…RSGB Convention Chair vacancy
We have been developing the RSGB Convention over recent years to suit…RSGB Lecture Coordinator vacancy
The RSGB facilitates just over sixty lectures each year in a mixture…Could you join the RSGB Youth Champion team?
The RSGB has just appointed Chris Aitken, MM0WIC as the RSGB School…RSGB Company Secretary – role specification and Terms of Reference
Could you be the RSGB’s next Company Secretary? Article 53 of the…Be part of the Exams and Syllabus Review Group
The Exams and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) is looking for new members…Regional Team
Do you have some spare time to support fellow radio amateurs? Are…RSGB ETCC volunteer vacancy
After the sad loss of Bob Wilkinson, G3VVT, the RSGB’s Emerging Technology…RSGB National Radio Centre volunteers
The RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) welcomes thousands of people through its…EMC Committee
The EMC Committee (EMCC) helps and advises RSGB Members who have EMC…RSGB Youth Team is recruiting
The Youth Team exists to encourage young people into the hobby, and consists of…RSGB Board and other leading volunteer vacancies
The RSGB Nominations Committee maintains a list of RSGB Members interested in…
These are all unpaid positions but we will reimburse your travel expenses.
Volunteering lets you put something back into the hobby and brings its own rewards, so please contact us if you can help.
Volunteering video: conditions of use
This video can be freely downloaded by anyone for use in the furtherance of amateur radio.
Please read these conditions of use below before downloading.
- You may copy Volunteering for the RSGB for your own use
- Do not alter Volunteering for the RSGB
- Do not sell Volunteering for the RSGB
- Please credit Volunteering for the RSGB to the RSGB
Volunteering for the RSGB is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence.
The full text of the licence can be read here.
- Volunteering for the RSGB (3min 26sec/40MB MP4 video)