Tonight @ 8 – live webinars
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LIVE ON MONDAY, 3 March 2025…
Antipodean Antenna Adventures
With Bob Bower, GM4DLG
Bob’s one-man DXpedition to ZL, ZL7, VK9L, VK9N and VK7—which took place from January to March 2024—is currently being serialised in RadCom. The first part was published in the February 2025 issue, with parts two and three to follow in March and April 2025. This Tonight@8 presentation complements these, and includes additional information such as personal anecdotes.
Bob operated on 20, 40 and 80m with 100W SSB into vertical arrays of his own design. His Holy Grail was a valid 80m greyline QSO with Great Britain. Did he achieve it?
Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed on our YouTube channel and special BATC channel, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online
All Tonight @ 8 webinars start 20.00 UK local time
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Archived webinars
7 December 2020 – So what’s next? by Jonathan Mitchener, G0DVJ
Jonathan’s presentation This is a jargon-free, wide-ranging talk about where amateur radio…2 November 2020 – An Introduction to GNU Radio by Heather Lomond, M0HMO
Heather’s presentation A beginners’ introduction to using GNU radio to create simple…28 September 2020 – My World of VHF by Tim Kirby, GW4VXE
Tim’s presentation Tim talks about the different VHF bands, what types of…28 September 2020 – A brief interview with RSGB Convention Chair, David Bondy, G4NRT
In response to the UK’s continuing social distancing regulations, the RSGB Convention…7 September 2020 – Portable adventures with Summits On The Air (SOTA) by James Stevens, M0JCQ
James’ presentation Portable operating is addictive, whether it’s on a grassy hill…27 July 2020 – Getting Started on QO-100 by Dom Smith, M0BLF
Dom’s presentation Dom’s lockdown project was to complete a set up for…13 July 2020 – How to check for VDSL RFI by John Rogers, M0JAV
? John’s presentation The RSGB EMC Committee (EMCC) has been investigating VDSL…29 June 2020 – Antennas for Small Gardens by Steve Nichols, G0KYA
Steve’s presentation Not everyone has room for a mast and HF Yagi.…15 June 2020 – Raspberry Pi by Mike Richards, G4WNC
Mike’s presentation The Raspberry Pi series of low-cost single-board computers were developed…