Election information
RSGB election process
Nominations for the President, two Board Director and eight Regional Representative roles close at 23.59 on 31 January 2025
RSGB elections use an online nominations system
The instructions below explain how the system works
Candidate packs
Candidate forms
Before standing for nomination you must complete the appropriate candidate form
- RSGB President and Elected Board Director (MS Word document)
- RSGB Regional Representative (MS Word document)
Email your completed form to company.secretary@rsgb.org.uk
Note that the Company Secretary is permitted under the Bylaws to remove any defamatory or misleading statements in written statements, and to shorten any statements which exceed the word limits. Otherwise written statements will be published verbatim.
Once we receive the form, you will be sent a personal link which allows nominators to nominate you via a simple process on this website.
You must also print out the form, sign it and post it to Company Secretary c/o RSGB HQ, 3 Abbey Court, Priory Business Park, Bedford MK44 3WH or you will not be properly nominated. This is because the Board wishes to have a physical signed record of each candidate’s acceptance of the obligations associated with the post they seek election to.
Nomination requirements
Office Requirement President At least 25 members of the Society. Five must be members of the Volunteer Leadership Team*. The nominations must come from at least three different RSGB Regions#. Elected Director At least 10 members of the Society Regional Representative At least 10 members of the Society * Information about the Volunteer Leadership Team
# Information about the Regions
Please note that we will only list the required number of nominators names in RadCom or other publications. If you have more nominators than the required number we will try, if time permits, to allow you to select the ones you wish to use.
Nomination process
- Provide your nominators with a copy of the unique nominator link we have sent to you and tell them to follow the link.
- When the nominator follows the link they will be asked to log into RSGB Membership Services with their usual username and password.
- They will then be asked to confirm their nomination, and once they have clicked confirm the nomination is completed.
- The system will then send you and your nominator an email to confirm the nomination has been accepted.
Please note the Bylaws require that someone can only make nominations for the number of Board Directors for which there are vacancies as part of this process.
If there is a vacancy in the Region in which they live they may also nominate a Regional Representative separately.
Once a nomination is made it cannot normally be withdrawn or amended.
You are requested to supply a recent passport style, head-and-shoulders photo in JPEG format. This will be published in RadCom and on the RSGB website.
Acceptance of nomination
When you have received the relevant number of nominations (see Nominations requirements), and we have received a hard copy of your candidate form and the your photo, the Company Secretary will email you to confirm that you have been validly nominated.
If time permits, he will share with you the text which will be published in RadCom.
The nomination process ends at 23.59hrs on 31 January 2025.
You need to submit the candidate form as soon as possible, because you need to be accepted as a candidate before you can be nominated.
Late candidate forms and nominations will not be accepted.
Data protection
We will use the data you have provided us with as follows—
- Name and call sign and what you put in your CV and statement will normally be published verbatim in RadCom and on the Society’s website
- The remaining information will be used by HQ staff and the Company Secretary only
Unsure about whether to stand?
If you would like an informal discussion about the President or Elected Director roles, please email the RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM via president@rsgb.org.uk
If you have questions about the election process or would like to ask about the Regional Representative roles, please email the Elections Officer and Company Secretary, Stephen Purser, GW4SHF via company.secretary@rsgb.org.uk