
12 Metres, 24.89 – 24.99MHz

The highest frequency WARC band, and also contest free, 12 metres is often over-looked. However it can frequently provide good propagation even when 10 metres is closed. Aerials are smaller and it is usually not a busy band, so in good conditions it is an easy band on which to make good DX contacts.

If DXpedition pile-ups are too big on 15 and 10 metres, try 12 metres instead if operating from a more simple station. Even more so than 10 metres, it is worth calling CQ even if the band appears dead, as it can often be open to unexpected places at anytime.

kHz 24890 – 24915 24915 – 24929 24929 – 24931 24931 – 24990
Modes CW Data IBP SSB

Note that this is only an indication of predominant mode use, see detailed band plan for full definition of permitted modes.