
30 Metres, 10.1 – 10.15MHz

10MHz is one of the so-called WARC bands that are traditionally left contest free. It is a narrow band of just 50kHz and is shared with the primary user. Because of the small allocation amateurs have at 10MHz, it is by agreement used only for CW and narrow band digital modes.

It is an excellent DX band and normally has propagation to somewhere in the world at anytime of the day or night and at anytime in the sunspot cycle. It is also high enough in frequency that aerials become a much more manageable size, so even a modestly equipped station should be capable of making regular DX contacts on CW or digital modes.

Look for CW DX contacts and DXpeditions around 10.106MHz. QRP activity can be found around 10.116MHz and IOTA operations are commonly on or around 10.115MHz.

Digital mode activity starts above 10.130MHz as in Region 2.

kHz 10100 – 10130 10130 – 10150
Modes CW Data