The ITU World Radio Conference in 2015 (WRC-15) has a number of Agenda Items (AIs) that are relevant to the amateur and amateur satellite services.
Whilst most attention by amateurs is likely to be focussed on the prospect of a 5 MHz allocation, several other topics are included which represent either threats or opportunities.
The conference is held in Geneva on 2-27 November 2015, and follows years of preparatory studies and meetings at national, regional (inc CEPT) and ITU levels. Colin Thomas G3PSM is attending as part of the UK Delegation.
Agenda Items of interest to Amateur Radio are:-
- AI-1.1: to consider additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis and identification of additional frequency bands for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT)
- AI 1.4: to consider a possible new allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis within the band 5 250-5 450 kHz in accordance with Resolution COM6/12 (WRC-12)
- AI 1.6.1: to consider possible additional primary allocations) to the fixed-satellite service (Earth-space and space-Earth) of 250 MHz in the range between 10 GHz and 17 GHz in Region 1
- AI 1.10: to consider possible additional spectrum allocations for the mobile-satellite service in the E-s and s-E directions, including the satellite component for broadband / IMT applications, within the frequency range from 22 GHz to 26 GHz
- AI 1.12: to consider an extension of the current worldwide allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite service in the frequency band 9 300 – 9 900 MHz by up to 600 MHz with the frequency bands 8 700 – 9 300 MHz and/or 9 900 – 10 500 MHz
- AI 1.18: to consider a primary allocation to the radiolocation service for automotive applications in the 77.5 – 78.0 GHz frequency band
- AI 8: to consider and take appropriate action on requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required
- AI 9.1.4: Updating and rearrangement of the Radio Regulations
- AI 9.1.8: Regulatory aspects for nanosatellites and picosatellites
- AI 10: possible agenda items for future conferences