RSGB notices
The latest news, information and announcements from RSGB HQ and the Board
Deadline for exam applications for the current syllabus
We would like to remind everyone that the cut-off date for applications…International Amateur Radio Union
RSGB volunteers contribute to the development of international amateur radio within Region…RSGB insurance renewals
RSGB club insurance, and beacon and repeater insurance have now been renewed…OAS Regional Operating Advisers
The Operating Advisory Service (OAS) is the RSGB’s advisory and reporting service. It…New vacancy: Beyond Exams Champion
We are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to perform the role of…Want to shape the direction of the RSGB?
We are currently looking to a recruit a new Director to the…Syllabus 2019 tutors SDR presentation
On 17 March, a Syllabus 2019 presentation on Software Defined Radio for…Jim Stevenson, G0EJQ, SK
It is with great sadness that I inform everyone that Jim Stevenson,…New compostable RadCom wrapper
We are proud to announce that Members, both in the UK and…