Volunteers’ Week – Roger Cooke, G3LDI

| June 5, 2024

Roger Cooke, G3DLI in his shack, smiling at the camera

Roger Cooke, G3LDI has been the RSGB GB2CW Coordinator since December 2006. His role is to organise and certify the circa 24 volunteers to the GB2CW Morse tuition service.

Roger says, “I think Morse is the very basis of radio communication and through it I have made hundreds of friends around the world. I enjoy the feeling and satisfaction of being able to ‘talk’ to somebody on the other side of the world in silence, with headphones on – I believe it is the very quintessential picture of a radio operator.”

Based in Norfolk, Roger has a number of tutors who run several classes each week. Through his passion for the skill, he has encouraged some of his local club members to take up Morse, including a 13-year-old who is already copying around 12 wpm after a short period of tuition.

We always need more volunteers for GB2CW so if you’d be interested in finding out more and volunteering, email Roger via gb2cw@rsgb.org.uk

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