YOTA Hungary 2023 – Day 4

| August 10, 2023

What did you get up to on Day 4?

“In the first session of the day, we shared our individual experiences and the amateur radio opportunities available to youngsters in our home countries. We then had a lecture on methods for planning and organising a youth camp.

The second lecture of the day was focused on digital modes such as RTTY, PSK, FT8 and FT4. We also looked at the spectrum we have access to. The lecturer then presented us with data from Club Log and how there are more FT8 contacts logged than SSB and CW.

After lunch we finalised our CW kits which used the ex-Soviet relays. Alex had some issues due to putting SMD 10nF capacitors where 1nF capacitors should have been. After many trials and tribulations Alex was able to get his working and was very pleased! Following this he took advantage of the free time and was able to successfully modify his transmitter.

We later put into practice what we had learnt earlier in the week about radio etiquette and made QSOs on the 20m band in the HG23YOTA tent. Jake even got the chance to speak to an EA call sign in Spanish!”


Category: YOTA 2023