8 July 2024 – QMX+ Multimode 160-6m transceiver kit design and features by Hans Summers, G0UPL
The presentation
- Overview of the QMX+ transceiver and the path taken to get here
- High level technical description of QMX+ and its SDR architecture
- Detailed design discussion of several unusual, unique or innovative sections of QMX+
- Future planned developments for QMX+
About Hans
Hans graduated with a Physics BSc in 1993. He left his 22 year career in investment banking software development to pursue QRP Labs full time in 2016. The operation is now based in Turkey where Hans lives with his XYL and their three children. QRP Labs has grown rapidly to become a well-known name among QRP, portable and home construction groups of amateur radio.
You can watch Hans’ 2022 RSGB Convention presentation, entitled ‘The QCX CW transceiver kit story‘.
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