Frank WilliamUnstead, G3BCY, 11 April 2018

| September 19, 2018

It is with great sadness that I must inform you that my Father, Frank William Unstead, G3BCY passed away peacefully in his sleep on the 11 April 2018 in Purton, England. Frank was 95 years old. He was a Radio Officer in the Merchant Navy for many years and a keen ham both on land and at sea.

He was a life member of the RSGB. He also had a number of other ham call signs from all over the world. Most popular were VQ4GF, 5Z4GF, ZS5X and ZS6FU.

I know that Frank had a lot of ham friends around the world. I came across an envelope of hundreds of QSL cards whilst we were cleraring out his things, some dating back to the early 50s. I have the original copy of his amateur radio license issue dated 21 Nov 1946. I will cherish this in memory of him.

Frank passed on his radio skills to me, his youngest son and I was licensed in 1990. I am currently ZL1DJ in New Zealand.

Frank will sadly be missed on air. He won many awards, including longest distance QSL on 2m when he was VQ4GF in Africa. He made many many friends around the world.

RIP & 73 G3BCY

de ZL1DJ (Peter Unstead)

Category: Silent Keys