May 2024 – Strategic priorities update

Strategic priorities: reaching clubs and youngsters

Group of Scouts and Club members sitting and standing around a radio.

I was co-opted onto the RSGB board in July 2023, and since that day have been very motivated in supporting the Society to grow its membership and concentrate on looking after the current members it has.

Club visits

I highlighted to the Board that we need to get out and visit clubs, tell existing members what the RSGB offers, ask members what they want out of the RSGB in the future, and try to encourage others to join the RSGB. So, as a double act with the Company Secretary Stephen Purser, GW4SHF I have visited over six clubs to do this. Stephen talks about what the RSGB is and does and I finish off the evening with a talk on adventurous and portable radio. I have received great feedback about these club visits and believe they are very beneficial. Not only is the feedback we receive from RSGB members useful, but a few people have joined the RSGB because of our club visits. I have another four dates in my diary and I look forward to meeting the people at those clubs.

Inspiring youngsters

In September 2023 I was given the Board Youth Liaison role, reporting back to the Board on youth activities. Being a new Board Director and having Youth within my remit, I wanted to reach out to see what activities were being held for the younger generation in the UK.

I spoke to the RSGB Youth Champion, HQ staff, leaders in the scouts, teachers and other radio amateurs introducing amateur radio to youngsters in schools and colleges, and many others involved in individual activities or events.

It was great to see that there are many colleagues out there doing so much for the youth, many actively supported by the RSGB. I know that the RSGB has initiated a lot of youth activities over the years too. I’m keen to bring people together to share ideas and experiences – why reinvent the wheel! So, that is what I have started to do.

British Science Week

The RSGB supported British Science Week (BSW) again this year and we were delighted that Prof Ian Neal, M0KEO agreed to be the RSGB BSW Coordinator. Supported by John Hislop, G7OHO, he created and collated some great activity ideas on this year’s theme of ‘Time’. Ian also provided some sample lesson plans for pupils in school years 10-13, as well as a sample risk assessment and a guide to approaching schools and colleges to offer help. These will be used again as part of a bank of resources that the RSGB will provide for schools, colleges and for radio amateurs who would like to introduce amateur radio into school life in different ways.

Radio amateurs led several great events in schools and colleges across the UK, and the event led by Prof Neal was profiled in the local media. The activities he led are part of a wider amateur radio initiative he has launched at UTC South Durham which is funded by a grant from the North East STEM Foundation. This is a great example for others to follow – go to our British Science Week web page at and you’ll find a link to the news item half-way down the page.

The RSGB National Radio Centre hosted a group of Arkwright Scholars and two ‘Build a Radio’ events at Bletchley Park and the feedback we’ve received has been fantastic. You’ll be able to read more about all these events in the June issue of RadCom, so look out for that. We’re planning to do even more for British Science Week next year.

Youngsters on the Air (YOTA)

We had a good YOTA Month in December 2023, having most days filled with youngsters calling ‘CQ YOTA’ from all parts of the UK. To help support this event, I joined the Ludlow Scouts at Eaton Manor with members of Hereford ARS and I also did a ‘YOTA does SOTA’ trip up Stingwern Hill GW/MW-030 with Chris, MW0OMK and Jared, 2E0JFJ. Seeing the smiles on their faces when they were on the air was fantastic!

The next big youth event on my agenda is the YOTA summer camp. This is being held in August 2024 in Prague where we will be sending three radio amateurs under 26 to represent the RSGB, enjoy the amateur radio activities and then come back to help support outreach to youngsters in the UK. This is mostly funded by the RSGB so if you haven’t yet applied to get the chance, please do so. You can find out more and download the application form on our YOTA pages – go to

All these activities support our growth strategic priority.

Looking ahead

Following our Growth strategic workshop in early February, we started an Outreach Team which currently I’m leading. Initially focused on youth, we’ve had two really encouraging meetings with RSGB staff, volunteers and other people who have a passion for inspiring youngsters with amateur radio. As well as sharing ideas, problem solving together and agreeing priorities for the next year, we’ll be creating a bank of resources to help radio amateurs who want to get involved with schools, colleges, scouts, guides, cadets, young farmers, hill walkers…or any other organisation that supports young people!

I’ve also worked with the RSGB Marketing Strategy Manager to create a new leaflet to help youngsters know how to take their first steps in amateur radio, and we’ll be sharing that at events and on our website in the coming months.

Get in touch

If you have experience of introducing amateur radio to young people in any type of youth organisation and would like to be involved in the RSGB’s strategic plans, do get in touch with me.


Ben Lloyd, GW4BML

RSGB Board Director


Category: RSGB Notices, RSGB Strategic Priorities