RSGB response to Ofcom amateur radio consultation

| September 4, 2023

The RSGB response to the Ofcom Consultation Updating the amateur radio licensing framework has been submitted and is published on our website

Our response has been developed within the RSGB Spectrum Forum which draws on a wide range of internal RSGB experts, as well as a variety of external Special Interest Group representatives who are also members of the Forum. We have also taken note of other feedback we have received.

We have used RadCom, GB2RS, our website, social media channels and email groups to enhance awareness of this important consultation to all UK radio amateurs. We have also encouraged everyone to respond with their individual views. We held open, online briefing and discussion forums and have three popular videos on the RSGB YouTube channel and our website. We also held a series of internal sessions with the Spectrum Forum as well as with the RSGB ETCC, Exams, Contests and Regional Teams.

We have been grateful to receive comments from the membership in general, and from the wider amateur radio community at large, reflecting that we represent not just the views of our members but of everyone.

The wide scope of the Ofcom consultation and our own engagement inevitably did not lead to a perfect consensus but has enabled us to develop a detailed set of responses to questions where there is often complexity in the detail.

We look forward to continued engagement with Ofcom on this and many other matters.

John McCullagh, GI4BWM

RSGB President

Category: Front Page News, RSGB Notices