Special Events News – 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

On Thursday, 14 December, from 1700UTC, lots of special event stations from the Netherlands will be on the air. The callsigns in use will follow the format PA01MIL with each station having a unique combination of numbers in the callsign. The operators will be arranged into teams—each team containing two military personnel and one amateur. […]

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DX News – 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

Burkhard, DL3KZA is active as YB9/DL3KZA from Lombok Island, OC-150, until 18 December. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. The V6EU team is active from Chuuk Island, OC-011, in Micronesia until 16 December. The team will operate on the 160 to 10m bands using SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8. QSL via DL2AWG.

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Contest News – 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

On Tuesday, the 12th, the 432MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 1955UTC. Using FM on the 70cm band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Also on Tuesday, the 12th, the 432MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 70cm band, the exchange is signal […]

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Propagation News – 10 December 2023

| December 8, 2023

We dodged a bullet last week as a high-speed solar wind stream from a coronal hole sped past the Earth. Although the wind speed was often in excess of 600 kilometres per second, its Bz, or magnetic field, was pointing north. The net result was that most of this passed harmlessly away from Earth and […]

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New Nominations Committee Chair appointed

| December 7, 2023

The RSGB Board is delighted to announce that Bob Beebe, GU4YOX has been appointed as the new Nominations Committee Chair. The Board would like to thank Stephen Purser, GW4SHF for his work in this role over a number of years and it is delighted that he will continue in his other role as Company Secretary. You can […]

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WRC-23 Days 11+12: The Future Beckons

| December 6, 2023
WRC-23 Days 11+12: The Future Beckons

Week 3 of WRC-23 has started with an increase in meetings and effort associated with WRC-27/31 proposals, quite a few of which are of concern. Tuesday also saw the proposed change for 23cm get through the next approval hurdle, after some nervous moments. With meetings over the previous weekend, the start of the week was […]

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