Contest News – 7 January 2024

| January 5, 2024

The UK Six Metre Group Winter Marathon began on Friday, 1 December 2023. The contest will run until 31 January 2024. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal report and locator. The ARRL RTTY Roundup ends its two day run on Sunday, 7 January, at 2359UTC. Using the 80 to 10m […]

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Propagation News – 14 January 2024

| January 5, 2024

Welcome to the first HF propagation report of 2024—it looks like it will be business as usual! A massive X5-class solar flare occurred on 31 December 2023. Luckily, this happened at 2155UTC, so didn’t affect the ionosphere over the UK, but it did launch a large coronal mass ejection, which was forecast to possibly hit […]

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Michael (Mick) Senior, G4EFO – 27 December 2023

| January 4, 2024
Michael (Mick) Senior, G4EFO – 27 December 2023

It is with much sadness that I have to report the sudden passing of Mick Senior G4EFO on Wednesday 27th December 2023 aged 73 (just one day before his 74th birthday). Mick was a West Sussex fire-fighter who retired early from the service, but kept himself busy with his small business installing domestic and professional […]

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Martyn Vincent, G3UKV – SK

| January 4, 2024

We have received the sad news that Martyn Vincent, G3UKV passed away on 3 January 2024. Martyn was the current District Representative 53 for (Shropshire, North Worcestershire and West Birmingham), previously the Regional Representative for Region 5 and also a previous member of the Nominations Committee. Martyn was also a very well respected member of […]

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Mick Senior, G4EFO – SK

| January 4, 2024

We were deeply saddened to hear that Mick Senior, G4EFO passed away on 27 December. Mick was a former Regional Representative for Region 10, and keeper of a number of local repeaters. He will be missed by those who knew him in the RSGB and the local amateur radio community. Our thoughts are with his […]

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RSGB President and Board Director active on Divis

| January 3, 2024

RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM and RSGB Director Ben Lloyd, GW4BML will be teaming up to ascend and activate the Summits on the Air (SOTA) summit of ‘Divis’ GI/AH-004 in Northern Ireland at approximately 11am on Thursday 4 January 2024. They first spoke about completing a SOTA activation together in September 2023 during Ben’s SOTA […]

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