Rallies and Events News – 2 June 2024

| May 31, 2024

Spalding and District Amateur Radio Society’s Annual Rally is taking place today, Sunday 2 June. This year sees the event taking place at a new venue: Spalding Rugby and Football Club, Centenary Park, Drain Bank North, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 6AF. The event features a free on-site car park, inside and outside traders, an RSGB bookstall […]

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Special Events News – 2 June 2024

| May 31, 2024

Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society will be active as GB0WVR during Market Harborough Carnival on Saturday 8 June. The team of operators is planning to use SSB, FT8 and some CW on the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m bands. There may also be activity on the 40m band, depending on the working conditions. Listen […]

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DX News – 2 June 2024

| May 31, 2024

Roland, F8EN is active as TR8CR from Gabon until at least the end of June. He will operate CW only and will celebrate his 96th birthday while there. QSL via F6AJA directly or via the Bureau. Roland can usually be found on the 30 to 10m bands using CW. Tosy, JA6VZB is active as JD1BQW […]

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Contest News – 2 June 2024

| May 31, 2024

National Field Day started at 1500UTC on Saturday 1 June and ends at 1500UTC today, the 2 June. Using CW on the 160 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. The UK Six Metre Group Summer Contest started at 1300UTC on Saturday 1 June and ends at […]

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Propagation News – 2 June 2024

| May 31, 2024

Last week was characterised by relatively-quiet geomagnetic conditions and a fairly-high solar flux. But is that all about to change? Active region 3664 has returned. It is now named 3697 and has already emitted an X1.4-class solar flare. You may recall that it was AR 3664 that caused the aurora that was visible all over […]

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RadCom Basics, No. 40, May 2024

| May 30, 2024
RadCom Basics, No. 40, May 2024

We are pleased to announce the May 2024 edition of RadCom Basics is now available on the RSGB website In this edition, Tony Molloy, M6CIH considers OpenWebRX+ on a Raspberry Pi, and takes an interesting look at this method of accessing one or more SDR devices using a browser, covering its uses, set up, and […]

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