WSJT-X core developer goes SK

| December 10, 2021

Sad news now. We learned from Joe Taylor, K1JT, that Bill Somerville, G4WJS, died suddenly and unexpectedly. He was only about 65 years old. Bill was the first to join Joe in 2013, forming a core development group for WSJT-X. He helped to bring the overall program structure more nearly up to professional standards. Moreover, […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| December 10, 2021

This month marks the centenary of the first amateur radio signals crossing the Atlantic. Signals from the USA were received by Paul Godley, 2ZE, at a specially prepared receiving setup at Ardrossan in Scotland. A commemorative sked has been organised for 12 December 2021 at 0155 UTC between ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA as the […]

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Rallies and Events News – 12 December 2021

| December 10, 2021

Now is the perfect time to let us know your group’s rally or event plans for 2022. Email with details and we’ll publicise your event for free in RadCom, on GB2RS, and online. If you don’t tell us, we can’t publicise your event.

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DX News – 12 December 2021

| December 10, 2021

Ferdy, HB9DSP has had to postpone his December trip to Kenya and now plans to be active as 5Z4/HB9DSP around mid-January. DJ6TF and DL7BO have also had to postpone their December trip to Zimbabwe and now plan to be active as Z21A and Z22O in early February. Celebrating Christmas and the New Year, special callsigns […]

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Special Events News – 12 December 2021

| December 10, 2021

Today, the 12th of December, is the 120th anniversary of the very first wireless signals across the Atlantic by Marconi. Ofcom has licensed a number of special event stations to mark the event. Chelmsford ARS has been granted GB120MT, licenced up to New Year’s day. Special event station GB1002ZE will be operated by Crocodile Rock […]

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Contest News – 12 December 2021

| December 10, 2021

When operating in contests, please keep yourself and fellow amateurs safe by following relevant pandemic-related government recommendations. December is a quiet month for contests, indeed there are no RSGB HF contests at all this month. The ARRL 10m contest runs for 48 hours ending at 2359UTC today, the 12th. Using CW and phone, the exchange […]

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