Rallies and Events News – 26 December 2021

| December 22, 2021

Unless cancelled by Covid, the Sparkford Wireless Group Rally is due to take place on the 2nd of January at Davis Hall near Yeovil, BA22 7QX. There is free car parking; doors open from 9.30am to 1pm and admission is £2. Direct any enquiries to Now is the perfect time to let us know […]

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DX News – 26 December 2021

| December 22, 2021

Tom, OE1TRI will be active holiday style as 8Q7TR from the Maldives, AS-013, from the 28th of December to the 3rd of January. He will run 20W on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m using SSB and FT8. QSL via OE1TRI; he does not use Club Log or Logbook of The World.

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Special Events News – 26 December 2021

| December 22, 2021

Medway ARTS is putting GB6NU on the air on the 1st of January, celebrating their founder, the late Bill Nutton, G6NU. This is the first of several planned MARTS 2022 Centenary year celebrations. Further details of this event can be found on the GB6NU QRZ page. To mark 100 years of British broadcasting, the BBC […]

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Contest News – 26 December 2021

| December 22, 2021

When operating in any contests, please keep yourself and fellow amateurs safe by following all relevant pandemic-related government rules.  The Christmas Cumulatives take place between the 26th and the 29th of December from 1400 to 1600UTC each day. Using the 50 to 432MHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Today, the […]

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Propagation News – 26 December 2021

| December 22, 2021

Given that this report has to last two weeks it is difficult to be precise in terms of actual HF conditions. What we can say is that we are in turbulent times, with the solar flux index going up and down, and geomagnetic conditions subject to fluctuations as coronal holes and coronal mass ejections come […]

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Smudge Lundegard, G3GJW, December 2021

| December 21, 2021
Smudge Lundegard, G3GJW, December 2021

Smudge Lundegard, G3GJW passed away peacefully at the age of 94 two weeks before Christmas 2021. He was a RSGB Council member for some time, including Executive Vice President in 1995. He was the first to start pushing for Council members to have a fixed term of office so that new blood would be appointed […]

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