RSSGB2RS Propagation News

Propagation News – 6 October 2019

| October 4, 2019

We had a real mixed bag in terms of HF propagation last week. The middle of the week through to Friday was actually quite good. Peter, G3XJE ran a very comprised 20m WSPR station from the Propagation Studies Committee stand at the National Hamfest and was picked up as far afield as the southern states […]

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Propagation News – 29 September 2019

| September 27, 2019

Last week continued with zero sunspots, making it now more than 190 days this year that the solar surface has remained spotless. Many solar scientists predict that 2019 will have a total of more than 250 days without sunspots, which would make it the ninth most ‘spotless’ year since records began in 1849. Current research […]

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Propagation News – 22 September 2019

| September 20, 2019

We had a relatively settled week, with the Kp index remaining at or below four. The high-speed solar wind was the reason for the K-index increase, but it didn’t significantly degrade HF propagation. We are seeing a change to more autumnal HF conditions with north to south paths opening up quite regularly. The summer doldrums […]

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Propagation News – 15 September 2019

| September 13, 2019

It was a quiet week, geomagnetically speaking, with the Kp index generally not rising above two. But a lack of sunspots didn’t help HF propagation, which was decidedly uninspiring. There were some highlights though, mostly on FT8. Columbia was decoded on Wednesday evening on 15 metres at a time when CW and SSB users might […]

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Propagation News – 8 September 2019

| September 6, 2019

Our prediction last week that there would be a major geomagnetic storm turned out to be correct, although we got the timing a little wrong. The solar material from a coronal hole actually hit the Earth in the early hours of Saturday morning, rather than later that day, sending the three-hourly Kp index up to […]

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Propagation News – 1 September 2019

| August 30, 2019

The past week was characterised by a low solar flux index and relatively-calm geomagnetic conditions. There were reports of numerous sporadic E openings this week that livened up the 10m band. On Thursday these spread from Serbia through to Germany, Finland and Norway and were probably caused by a strong jet stream, which can be […]

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