RSSGB2RS Propagation News

Propagation News – 30 May 2021

| May 28, 2021

“May you live in interesting times.” So says the ancient Chinese curse, and last week was interesting, to say the least. Sunspot region 2824 was joined by region 2826, pushing the solar flux index to 88. At the same time, a coronal mass ejection from region 2824 threatened to push the Kp index high on […]

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Propagation News – 23 May 2021

| May 21, 2021

We had another wild week with sporadic E bringing most of the excitement on the upper HF bands. Transatlantic multi-hop Es brought USA contacts to many UK stations, mainly on CW and FT8, although there were some SSB ones too. The sporadic E action is always welcome on the HF bands during this time of […]

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Propagation News – 16 May 2021

| May 14, 2021

Last week was a real roller coaster ride in terms of HF propagation. While the solar flux index remained in the 70s, we have had C-class solar flares and a coronal mass ejection that hit the Earth on the 12th of May. This ultimately pushed the Kp index to seven. It was largely as a […]

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Propagation News – 9 May 2021

| May 7, 2021

The Sun was devoid of sunspots last week, which saw the solar flux index plummet to 70 – pretty much what it is around sunspot minimum. The good news is that an active region is rotating into view. Region 2817 is currently just on the Sun’s eastern limb as this report is being prepared and […]

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Propagation News – 2 May 2021

| April 30, 2021

Last week was characterised by relatively low sunspot numbers, but reasonably settled geomagnetic conditions. The solar flux index never rose above 80 all week, despite a large cluster of sunspots. This cluster, composed of regions 2818, 2820 and 2821, were responsible for some C-class solar flare activity, but never really grew into anything. By the […]

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Propagation News – 25 April 2021

| April 23, 2021

Last week was marked by solar flares, perhaps giving us a taste of things to come as the solar cycle progresses. The Kp index hit four on Monday after the weekend’s high of five. But luckily things then calmed down and we have been seeing the Kp index down to two overall. There was even […]

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