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Propagation News – 13 February 2022

| February 11, 2022

We had a good week for HF propagation, with a solar flux index up towards 130 and relatively calm geomagnetic conditions. There were lots of reports of openings to Australia on 10 metres and the KQ2H repeater in up-state New York often put in an appearance on 29.620MHz FM as well. However, a Coronal Mass […]

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Propagation News – 6 February 2022

| February 4, 2022

We had another topsy-turvy week, with lots of good sunspots, but coronal mass ejections or CMEs taking their toll on the ionosphere as well. While the solar flux index did a little better than predicted, with numbers in the 120-130 range, there was bad news on the solar-terrestrial front. The Kp index was regularly hitting […]

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Propagation News – 30 January 2022

| January 28, 2022

It’s good news this week as it looks like we might get some more sunspot activity. Last week was characterised by relatively low sunspot numbers and a solar flux generally in the high 90s. We had quite a bit of solar flare activity, but luckily any associated coronal mass ejections tended to be away from […]

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Propagation News – 23 January 2022

| January 21, 2022

We had a bit of a geomagnetic roller coaster ride this week. The Kp index was down as low as one, and up as high as six, which sparked visible aurora at northern latitudes. This was caused by a solar wind stream, which reached nearly 600km per second and contained a significant southward Bz component. […]

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Propagation News – 16 January 2022

| January 14, 2022

We had a week of relatively low, but stable, sunspot numbers, which affected the maximum usable frequencies available. Having said that, the SFI was above 100 all week, but we didn’t get the surge in numbers that we really needed for good reliable ionospheric propagation. MUFs over a 3,000km path often exceeded 28MHz, but this […]

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Propagation News – 9 January 2022

| January 7, 2022

Welcome back to the GB2RS HF Propagation News. And we start the year on a bit of a downer, with the solar flux index back in the 80s. On Thursday the 6th, the SFI was at 84 with two active sunspot regions. This is probably going to be a short-lived lull in solar activity as […]

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