RSSGB2RS Propagation News

Propagation News – 22 January 2017

| January 20, 2017

We saw a couple of sunspots last week, but they weren’t enough to make a major difference to HF propagation. This was due in part to a raised K-index, thanks to solar material from a recurrent coronal hole. NOAA released a geomagnetic storm warning for the 18th and 19th. The solar index remained in the […]

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Propagation News – 15 January 2017

| January 13, 2017

The predicted poor geomagnetic conditions last week were not quite so bad, due to the incoming high speed stream from a coronal hole having a mostly north-facing Bz field. This was less likely to couple with the earth’s magnetic field and we didn’t see the very high K indices and poor auroral conditions we expected. […]

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Propagation News – 8 January 2017

| January 6, 2017

Firstly, a happy New Year to all. We’ve got off to a bad start with a massive coronal hole on the sun that has rewarded us with dire predictions for the period up to 8 January. We can expect the K-index to hit four or five at times with a consequent lowering of maximum useable […]

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