Also in GB2RS this week…

| June 7, 2024

A reminder that the RSGB is asking radio amateurs to share their ideas on the theme of ‘change and adapt’, as part of plans for British Science Week 2025. The event is run by the British Science Association and celebrates science, technology, engineering and maths. The 2025 theme offers a huge range of opportunities for creativity and discovery. Ideas could cover any area from construction to propagation, from making QSOs under supervision, to space and satellites. This is a chance to show young people in schools, or anyone in your local community, just how interesting and enjoyable amateur radio can be. Please send ideas to the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator Ian Neal, M0KEO at To find out more about previous year’s activities, or next year’s theme, you can visit the website

Don’t forget that you have the opportunity to get even more out of your RSGB membership. If you recommend a friend who hasn’t been an RSGB member during the last 12 months, you will both receive £10 cashback when they become a member paying by direct debit. Whether you’re an individual RSGB member, or an affiliated club, you can sign up as many friends as you like. Membership of the RSGB gives you a range of fantastic benefits so why not encourage others to join! Members have access to RadCom, exclusive online resources, RSGB award schemes and contests, as well as advice from the Society’s specialist committees. The RSGB’s representation to Ofcom and its ability to defend the spectrum nationally and internationally is more powerful through strength in numbers. Go to the special RSGB ‘Join a friend’ webpage to find all the information you’ll need to take advantage of this offer, including a link to the online form

A new exhibition entitled ’What happened next’ will open to the public on Friday 14 June in the Pye Building at the Cambridge Museum of Technology. It will explore the period after the Pye Group was acquired by Philips in 1967 and track the progress of these organisations up to the present day. More information on the Cambridge Museum of Technology is available here

 The 2024 Gateways on the Air event will take place between the 15 and 23 June. The aim of the event is to promote and increase RF activity via UK simplex gateways. The event is hosted by the FreeSTAR International network and will feature special event stations GB0GOA and GB4GOA. Confirmed simplex gateways are listed on the website

CDXC: The UK DX Foundation is holding its annual DX Convention and dinner on the 20 July. This year there will be a new venue: The Littlebury Hotel, Bicester, OX26 6DR. The CDXC AGM will be held at 11am and there will be a series of talks in the afternoon. Mark, M0DXR will be speaking about WRTC 2026. Mike, G4WNC is covering all things SDR. Nigel, G3TXF will be discussing the impact of FT8 on DXpeditions. And Gregg, W6IZT will be describing the build and operation of his ‘Rig in a Box’ for DXpeditions. Non-members of CDXC are most welcome to come for the day and the evening dinner. Full details and booking information can be found by following the link on the CDXC homepage

Do you live in the southeast of England and could you spare an hour on Sundays to help inform radio amateurs in your area? The GB2RS news service is looking for new volunteer newsreaders in Essex, London, and the counties to the south and southeast, ideally to broadcast on the 2m or 70cm bands using FM. RSGB members with Full or Intermediate licences, who have a good VHF or UHF station, are needed to help improve our coverage. There is flexibility in deciding a band, mode and time that would suit individual circumstances. If you are interested in finding out more about what the role entails, please contact the GB2RS News Manager, Steve Richards G4HPE, via There is also more information on the RSGB website

And finally, don’t forget to listen out for all the amateur stations that will be on the air during the Museums on the Air activity next weekend, the 15 and 16 June.  For more information about the event visit the website

Category: GB2RS Headlines