Also in this week’s GB2RS…

| October 27, 2023

Youngsters on the Air month is taking place in December. This means you have just over one month to think about how you, your club, school, or social group can get involved and help youngsters to get active on the amateur bands. It could be giving a demonstration at a local school or youth club or helping a young person to send a greetings message. You can also listen out for the GB23YOTA callsign and make a QSO with a young radio amateur on the air. The RSGB has applied for Ofcom approval for special call sign GB23YOTA, which will be active for the duration of the month. A full list of GB23YOTA operating slots can be found on These slots will be first-come, first-served, so check your calendars and reserve your place as soon as possible. To find out more about YOTA month and to see what has taken place in previous years visit the website  You can also email Jamie, M0SDV at to register your interest, or simply ask for further information.

A reminder now that the 2023 Scottish Microwave Round Table, or GMRT will be held between 10.30am and 5pm on Saturday 11 November. The event will take place at the Museum of Communication, Burntisland, Fife in Scotland. An interesting programme of speakers has been arranged. Microwave test facilities will be provided, and the event will be an opportunity to purchase components and microwave-related items. The cost is £12 and this includes a buffet lunch. A dinner will be held in the evening at a local hotel. Full information and online registration are available on the website  Please email Colin, GM4HWO via for more information.

Category: GB2RS Headlines