Also in GB2RS this week…

| February 26, 2016

Financial institutions are starting to see radio as a higher speed alternative to fibre optic networks. Making deals faster than others can bring huge benefits to traders, and every microsecond counts. A recent article in the Times reveals that a financial services consortium is seeking permission to build a 1,000 foot mast in Kent. The purpose is to carry data traffic to the continent via radio, fractionally more quickly than other methods. The mast is just a mile from a similar height mast proposed by a rival company last year.

Recently, Norman Pascoe, G4USB, became a silent key. He was one of the founders of International Marconi Day and the yearly organiser. This year’s event will go ahead as planned, and the Cornish Amateur Radio Club expects to keep it running for many years to come. Unfortunately an online attack has taken down the International Marconi Day websites. If you have already registered for IMD 2016 you need not take any further action. For new registrations, or to find out more, please email the club via

Interference from VDSL, the very high bitrate digital subscriber line technology used for superfast broadband to the home, is an increasing concern to amateurs. This problem, and other EMC-related matters, will be the subject of discussions between the RSGB and Ofcom at meetings in March 2016.

Papers are now available for the April IARU Region 1 interim meeting. Proposals cover a wide range of HF, VHF, microwave and EMC matters. These include band plans, contest rules, and interference issues. Comments from UK amateurs are invited via the RSGB consultations forum, which includes guidance and links to the papers. Comments are also invited on a separate consultation regarding the future of the UK 5MHz beacons. These must be received before the end of March. Information on both of these items can be found at

The latest version of the RSGB Band Plans were published in the March edition of RadCom. For reasons of space, the usual quite small print was used. The Band Plans are also available in a variety of formats on the RSGB website. There you will also find additional information such as a detailed look at the changes made this year.

The 70cm beacon GB3LEU has been suffering from frequency stability anomalies. It was switched off shortly after noon on 23 February and will remain off the air whilst the issues are investigated. Progress reports will be issued online.

A new volunteer QSL sub-manager has been appointed for the G1 and G2 series of call signs. Colin Tuckley, G8TMV replaces long-time volunteer Anthony Nowell, who died suddenly, shortly before Christmas. Unfortunately, we have been unable to recover Members’ collection envelopes from Anthony’s estate. G1 and G2 call holders are advised to send replacement envelopes to the new manager ASAP. Please remember that all collection envelopes must have the relevant call sign and unique membership number in the top left corner.

Category: GB2RS Headlines