Eclipse radio plans refined

| March 13, 2015

With the solar eclipse now less than a week away, we should start with an apology.

When we last mentioned the various experiments we said that the UK would experience up to 89 percent totality.

Of course, in Shetland, they will experience 97 percent totality.

Our apologies to all those living there, we really hope that they have a cloudless day for their visual observations.

The RSGB Propagation Studies Committee is keen to make sure that everyone is aware of the activities taking place on the morning of Friday, 20 March.

The partial eclipse starts in the Midlands at about 0825UTC on the 20th and ends at 1041UTC.

Maximum eclipse will be at about 0930UTC.

This is a great opportunity to try some experiments to see how the sun’s ultraviolet output affects our ionosphere and how some radio waves are propagated.

A wide range of experiments are planned and details can be found at

There will be an RSGB QSO Party on 160, 80 and 40m, using CW and PSK63, as well as experiments using CW skimmers and WSPR.

Other experiments will involve Opera transmissions on 477kHz and beacons. All radio enthusiasts are encouraged to take part.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines