DX News – 7 April 2013

| April 7, 2013

A team of 15 German operators will be active as 5W0M from Le Lagoto, Samoa until 18 April. Operation will be on the 6 to 80m bands using CW, SSB and RTTY plus 2m EME. They plan to have four stations active simultaneously. QSL HF and 6m via DL4SVA, direct or by the Bureau and […]

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DX News – 31st March 2013

| March 31, 2013

N7QT will be heading back to Saint Lucia to operate stroke J6 between 5 and 16 April. Activity will be on 10 through to 80m using CW, SSB and RTTY and PSK. He will also be operating field portable from the St. Lucia beaches and mountain tops. QSL as directed on the air. Jonas, LY5A […]

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DX News – 24th March 2013

| March 24, 2013

LY5A will be active as LY23A until 11 April to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the restoration of Lithuanian independence. QSL via LY5A. TA1HZ will be in Mogadishu, Somalia on a humanitarian mission until 4 April. He plans to operate on the HF bands in his spare time, hopefully as T5TC, although his callsign has […]

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DX News – 17th March 2013

| March 17, 2013

A UK-led expedition to Easter Island is scheduled for 20 to 27 March, with activity planned mostly on CW on 160 through 10m. Plans are to use Elecraft K3s, small amplifiers and vertical antennas with plans to work challenging paths on the low bands, with emphasis on Europe. For receive antennas on the low bands […]

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DX News for 10 March

| March 8, 2013

TA1HZ will be in Somalia on a humanitarian mission from 23 March to 4 April. His primary purpose is as a doctor and but he also plans some on the air time, most likely from the city of Mogadishu using the call T5TC. His operation will be on the HF bands using a Kenwood radio […]

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DX News for 3 March

| March 1, 2013

KK4GV will be active as J79GV from the northeast side of the island of Dominica between 8 and 17 March. His operation will be holiday style and SSB only. QSL via his home callsign either direct or by the Bureau. W0FK will be active from Longboat Key until 16 March. QSL via his home callsign, […]

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